Najtrafniejsze propozycje zatrudnienia asystentów w branży sprzedażowej.

Customer service specialist in the automotive industry with Dutch

Concentrix / pomorskie, Gdynia

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...


Customer service specialist in the automotive industry with Dutch

Concentrix / pomorskie, Gdańsk

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...


Customer service specialist in the automotive industry with Finnish

Concentrix / pomorskie, Sopot

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...


Customer service specialist in the automotive industry with Finnish

Concentrix / pomorskie, Gdańsk

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...


Customer service specialist in the automotive industry with Dutch

Concentrix / małopolskie, Kraków

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...


Customer service specialist in the automotive industry with Czech

Concentrix / dolnośląskie, Jelenia Góra

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...


Customer service specialist in the automotive industry with Czech

Concentrix / śląskie, Cieszyn

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...


Customer service specialist in the automotive industry with Italian

Concentrix / pomorskie, Gdańsk

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...


Customer service specialist in the automotive industry with Italian

Concentrix / małopolskie, Kraków

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...


Customer service specialist in the automotive industry with Italian

Concentrix / dolnośląskie, Wrocław

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...


Customer service specialist in the automotive industry with Czech

Concentrix / małopolskie, Kraków

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...


Customer service specialist in the automotive industry with French

Concentrix / małopolskie, Kraków

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...


Customer service specialist in the automotive industry with French

Concentrix / śląskie, Katowice

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...


Customer service specialist in the automotive industry with French

Concentrix / dolnośląskie, Wrocław

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Collaborate with...


Specjalista ds. obsługi klienta - eksport

Klient portalu Praca.pl / mazowieckie, Warszawa

Obsługa zamówień klientów zagranicznych zarówno telefonicznie, jak i mailowo Udzielanie szczegółowych informacji na temat zamówień Monitorowanie i raportowanie procesów zamówieniowych Zarządzanie reklamacjami i wystawianie faktur Współpraca z działami...


Specjalista ds. sprzedaży części

Klient portalu Praca.pl / mazowieckie, Warszawa

Pozyskiwanie nowych klientów Budowanie bazy kontaktów Obsługa klientów w zakresie sprzedaży części i akcesoriów do pojazdów Analiza rynku w poszukiwaniu nowych szans sprzedażowych Tworzenie ofert handlowych Tworzenie raportów w systemie CRM Doświadczenie...


Sprzedawca części samochodowych

Klient portalu Praca.pl / mazowieckie, Warszawa

Sprzedaż części samochodowych Profesjonalna obsługa klientów Ofertowanie i doradztwo Kontrola stanu asortymentu Doświadczenie w obsłudze klienta Mile widziane techniczne wykształcenie Znajomość rynku motoryzacyjnego Znajomość MS Office


Pracownik ds. Obsługi Klienta i Realizacji Zamówień

Klient portalu Praca.pl / pomorskie, Kartuzy

Obsługa klientów Fakturowanie Przygotowywanie ofert handlowych Wsparcie w realizacji i wysyłce zamówień Współpraca z innymi działami Minimum średnie wykształcenie techniczne Biegłość w obsłudze komputera Dyspozycyjność, odpowiedzialność,...


Specjalista / Specjalistka ds. Obsługi Klienta z j. francuskim

Nowy Styl / podkarpackie, Jasło

Twój zakres obowiązków: stała współpraca z klientami na rynkach zagranicznych przygotowywanie ofert sprzedażowych przyjmowanie i rejestrowanie zamówień w systemie IFS oraz kontrola przebiegu ich realizacji wyjaśnianie reklamacji Nasze wymagania: znasz...


Customer service specialist in the automotive industry with English

Concentrix / śląskie, Katowice

Responding to customer inquiries via phone, chat, and email, representing Volkswagen Group with professionalism and enthusiasm. Maintain clear and accurate documentation of customer interactions, resolutions, and follow-ups in the CRM system. Use analysis tools and...
